
5 September 2011

Dropshipping And Returns

Under the law customers have a seven day cooling of period. That is if you sell it as a "Buy it Now" If you sell it as aauction I.E. bidding starts at 0.99p and ends up a £86.00 they don't have that right. Also you need to put in writing, your right to a cooling off period, how to cancel your order, who is responsible for returning goods, who has to pay the cost of returning goods if you cancel in the cooling-off period, information about any after-sales service and the address to use for contact. The seven working day cooling-off period usually starts on the day after you receive the goods. If you don’t get this information, your cooling-off period extends up to a maximum of three months and seven working days. For example if the trader takes one month to tell you in writing, you get a cooling-off period of one month and seven working days.
If you have sent the wrong item or it is faulty you can return it and ask for your money back. In these cases the seller must cover the cost of returning the items. The point am trying to make is this it is your responsibility to refund the customer. You will then have to relist the item or sell it elsewhere. Don't go crying to your dropshipper because as far as they are concerened they have kept to their end of the deal. The selling part is easy its all the other stuff that comes with it which can catch you out. I would love to tell you to give up your day job sit back and watch the money come in. I can't and i won't. You are going have to work and by working hard and standing out from the competition you might succeed. Its all down to you. Here is a link to advise you selling on the Internet.

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